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Upper Hutt School

Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington

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I tērā wiki 🥳 We celebrated Te Wiki o te Reo Māori with a special flag ceremony, a moving Māori Language Moment, and lunchtimes filled with kōrero, waiata, and fun kēmu. Our Kapa Haka also proudly represented our kura at the Mahuru Festival. Kia kaha te reo Māori. Ake, ake, ake. 💜

My daughter is learning Te Reo at school. Each morning we practice numbers from 1 to 20 in Te Reo when she brushes her teeth. We also got her a Māori language book that has body parts, days of the week, months of the year and basic words in Te Reo. We also encourage her saying her Karakea that she learnt at school.

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We joined in Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori within our kura and within our cluster. At our kura celebration, we sang and performed haka with passion. At our cluster celebration, we joined Fergusson Intermediate and Plateau School to celebrate the kaupapa by te awa (as seen in the video). Both events demonstrated the mana and strength of our tamariki, kaimahi, whānau and hapori whānui. It is wonderful to be part of our rohe - with over 13 kura in Te Awa Kairangi ki Uta sharing their celebrations :) Kia kaha te reo Māori! 🖤🤍❤️

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He Toa Reo Māori, 50 years on. A wonderful experience for our small rōpū of tamariki.

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He Toa Reo Māori, 50 years on. A wonderful experience for our small rōpū of tamariki. They listened to Moana Maniapoto speak of the roles of Ngā Tamatoa and Te Rōpū Reo Māori and how they fought for the revitalisation of te reo Māori. They also had the opportunity to kanikani in front of Rob Ruha and received a special shout out. Whakarongo ki te reo māori e karanga nei. Whakarongo ki nga akoranga rangatira. Listen, the language is calling you. Listen, and learn the language of the chiefs.

He Toa Reo Māori, 50 years on. A wonderful experience for our small rōpū of tamariki. They listened to Moana Maniapoto speak of the roles of Ngā Tamatoa and Te Rōpū Reo Māori and how they fought for the revitalisation of te reo Māori. They also had the opportunity to kanikani in front of Rob Ruha and received a special shout out. Whakarongo ki te reo māori e karanga nei. Whakarongo ki nga akoranga rangatira. Listen, the language is calling you. Listen, and learn the language of the chiefs.

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Our school's PRIDE TV episode teaching a sentence structure, recapping te wiki and setting a challenge.

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We were a bit tight on time due to lockdown so we decided to do something that the tamariki know which is pepeha and karakia. We then had our seniors help our juniors learn a new waiata. We are excited to take part again next year.

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Upper Hutt Kura performing underneath our rākau to celebrate Māori Language Moment. Our tuakana taught our juniors the waiata and haka in preparation for this event. They had even sacrificed many of their lunchtimes to tautoko their peers.