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Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao

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Ko Janine tōku ingoa Nō Taranaki ōku tīpuna Kei te noho au ki Paraparaumu Beach

Rāpare, 13th Mahuru 2023 Te Whakarewatanga o Manapou, tā mātou taupānga matihiko ā ahurea. Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao launched our very own digital app called "Manapou. " Kia kaha te reo Māori e hika mā!

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Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao International Teams recorded "Kia kaha te reo Māori from around the world - Tāmaki Makaurau, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Guangzhou, Kirikiriroa, New Delhi, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Singapore, Washington, Te Whanganui a Tara. Whiua ki te ao e hika mā!

Nei rā te mihi a te Manapou ki te Ao kia tātou katoa e whakanui ana i te reo Māori, rā mai, rā atu. Here is a small looksy into Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao celebrations of " 2023 Te wiki o te reo Māori. Whiua ki te ao e hika mā!

I'm excited to support the Māori Language Movement and especially looking forward to the launch of the Manapou App!

Kia ora tatou - It was a privilege to share Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022 with Rautaki Māori whanau at Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao. In addition to attending the momentous occasion at Parliament grounds relating to the celebration of the petihana 50 years ago, we had reflective hui with Karl Wixon on kupu Māori in the context of our organisation and a kōrerorero conversation with Dr Hinemoa Elder.

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This is our organisation waiata Manapou ki te Ao, Nā Te Haumihiata Mason rāua ko Ed Tuari. This video is the marketing team singing the waiata in different parts of NZ, while in lock down and performing the actions.

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In celebration of Te Tuku Reo and Te Wiki o te Reo Māori , we at Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao launched our organisation waiata "Manapou ki te Ao" written by Te Haumihiata Mason and Ed Tuari.