Andrew | Maori Language Moment 2021

In the lead-up to the Māori language moment, we asked students and staff to record themselves sharing Māori phrases. We provided useful online resources and videos to help them choose a phrase and to also focus on pronunciation. The big focus was to give it a go!

Once the videos were received, we then put together a combined video and played it during our special online event at 12pm on Tue 14 Sept. The reactions were really positive and many students and staff in attendance said how proud they were to see the efforts of everyone.

A big thank you to Gwen Arago-Kemp for assisting with the phrase guides and videos, Blaike Harnett for reciting the karakia during the event, Kate Humprhies for co-ordinating her students to contribute to the video, and Bianca Bonatto for organising our online event. Kia ora!