Anke - Invercargill

Photo of Anke - Invercargill
For me as tauiwi and a multilingual person I've always been fascinated by the languages and I understand the importance of being able to use your own language as well as taken the effort of understanding someone else's language. Your language is p[art of who you are, and no other language will be able to allow you to express who you are as your mother tongue. Ever since moving here I've tried to incorporate Te Reo in my daily use, I've followed classes, and we're learning some mātauranga Māori at work as well. Language connects us and I do my best to be connected with all parts of New Zealand which includes the beautiful te reo. Ko te pae tawhiti whāia kia tata Ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina No Hōrana ahau Engari E noho ana ahau kei Waihopai Ko Anke Ruwette tōku ingoa