Douglas | Share your why

Visiting orthopaedic surgeon from USA. Partner is part Native American. I am Interested in, supportive of and wish to learn as much about indigenous cultures wherever I travel, especially because I am a rugby sports medicine surgeon and have many friends from Australia-New Zealand-Pacific Islands. Signing up for te reo Māori classes at night to learn language better, buying books and reading about Māori culture/mythology and hope to travel as much as my medical commitment in Blenheim/Marlborough region allow. Have been here a week, visited memorial to Māori in Picton about local Maori who served in NZ military in WW2, stopped and learned about Tuteurutira north of Kaikōura and plan to return there next week to hike an explore. Plan weekend visit to North Island to specifically explore Waitangi Treaty grounds. Much to do/see/explore/experience in 4 1/2 months between time in Wairau clinic & operative theatre. However, part of my semi-retirement is to work in traditionally underserved areas around the USA, Caribbean basin & now New Zealand. Same quality of medical care and compassion for all patients, players, etc. Also being open minded to learning from different medical traditions (e.g., Native American, Carib, Asian, Māori).

In a nutshell 🌰 😉😏🤣