My mum, my mountain: Hana Te Hemara


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Photo of My mum, my mountain: Hana Te Hemara

The petition itself read:

We the undersigned, do humbly pray that courses in Māori language and aspects of Māori culture be offered in all those schools with large Māori rolls and that these same courses be offered as a gift to the Pākehā from the Māori in all other New Zealand schools as a positive effort to promote a more meaningful concept of integration.

It was signed by 33,000 Māori and Pākehā. Mum was the one to hand it over on the steps of Parliament on 14 September 1972. By her side were Lee Smith, Rawiri Paratene, other members of Ngā Tamatoa, Te Reo Māori Society, and other supporting groups and kaumātua.

I don’t have any memories of that day because I’d only been born in October the year before. If you see the pictures from the time leading up to the petition, I’m that baby. I was truly a product of Ngā Tamatoa because I was a whāngai entrusted from another member to Mum and Dad. That was how I was able to stay within my culture." - Ramari Jackson-Paniora


Source: E-Tangata

Taranaki | New Plymouth | 1970-79 | Māori language petition (1970-79) | Story is by tangata whenua