The Making of a Māori Town - Ōtaki

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Photo of The Making of a Māori Town - Ōtaki

It’s common to hear Māori spoken in the supermarket, the gyms, and the takeaway shops. The window to my manspace at home opens out to the Waitohu stream and a route to the beach. I regularly hear whānau or school students park up and happily chat away in Māori as they play and disappear down the path. At other times, I‘ll hear ancient words curling through the sea breezes, often because someone has climbed atop the big sand dunes to practise their karakia. - Tainui Stephens

Source: E-Tangata

Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington | Kapiti Coast | 2020-29 | Story is by tangata whenua