Harsh Singh - Hamilton

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Photo of Harsh Singh - Hamilton
I want to promote Te Reo Maori in Aotearoa New Zealand.

I am a Turbaned Sikh born and brought-up in India. Punjabi is my mother tongue and I feel proud speaking it! It is part of who I am :)

Similarly, I want Kiwis to learn their mother tongue i.e. Te Reo Maori. The only way we can make them learn and respect their language is to show them the beauty of how rich the history & heritage of Maori language is!

This movement is a platform to learn Te Reo Maori in a fun and interactive way.

I am myself learning it and getting involved wherever I can.

I have also recorded a video speaking Te Reo Maori and would like to share with your team - which can motivate New Zealanders! Due to file size, I am unable to attach here, but can provide on request.