Krystal | Share your why

Kia ora kautou

I was raised in a home where there was te reo Maori performing arts and a little bit of te reo spoken. At school there wasn't any te reo spoken. Now that I am in my 30s I feel I missed out on knowing a big part of my life. I have two children under the age of 5 and thank goodness my eldest is able to attend kohanga reo and live with her grandmother who is fluent in te reo Maori. But I would love to learn regardless of my age and my youngest being at a diverse daycare. This is why it is HUGE AND IMPORTANT TO ME because I would love for my children generation and the next generation to follow to be proud and not be ashamed of who we are and where we come from regardless of what stage of life we are at or where we are at in life.

Aroha Mai