If you need the written version it's here:

Step 1: Your name
My name is ____
Ko ____ tōku ingoa


Tip: You can use your first name only or your full name. It's up to you!


Step 2: Where your ancestors come from (if you know)
My ancestors are from ____
Nō ____ ōku tīpuna


Tip: Tīpuna (ancestors) is eastern dialect and tūpuna (ancestors) is western dialect. Kei a koe te whiringa - it's up to you which one you use. 

If you want to say more than one place name just add 'me' ('and') right before the final place name. I.e. Nō place #1 me place #2 ōku tīpuna (2 places) or Nō place #1 , place #2 me place #3 ōku tīpuna (3+). See Sonny use 'me' in the video above.

If you are from overseas try to find the Māori name for your country here.


Step 3: Where you live now
I live in ____
Kei te noho au ki ____


Tip: Research and find the Māori place name for your town or city. It's important to know our history. You can search for Māori place names using Māori Dictionary.


And don't forget the macrons - they can change the meaning of a word!


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