The state of te reo amongst whānau in Mourea 1978-1982


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Photo of The state of te reo amongst whānau in Mourea 1978-1982

Many of the people interviewed, especially the elderly,

were concerned about the decline in knowledge and use of

Maori in the area. Some of them had been brought up in

households where English was the main, or only, language

spoken, and now that they were parents themselves, they

were sorry they weren't competent teachers of Maori for

their children. Some of the people we spoke to said it

was wrong that most television programmes were in English,

and wanted more and better programmes in Maori and on

Maori subjects. Many of them supported the teaching

of the language in local schools. They thought more

time should be spent on teaching people to speak Maori

in the community, rather than on action songs and haka,

which had words that the children didn't really understand.


Source: NZCER

Te Moana-ā-Toi | Bay of Plenty | Western Bay of Plenty | 1980-89 | Story is by tangata whenua