The Māori Language in Matamata, Waharoa and Te Poi


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Photo of The Māori Language in Matamata, Waharoa and Te Poi

One man said he felt he lost his Maori when he started school and was forbidden to use it. Several others said they would like to learn Maori themselves. One man wanted to learn to speak Maori so that he could be able to reply when elders speak to him in Maori, rather than just "stare blankly". Quite a few people expressed interest in the general revival of Maori language - in particular people mentioned wanting their children to learn Maori, supporting Maori in schools and wanting TV programmes in Maori to be shown. 


Source: Read the full NZCER report here

Waikato | Matamata-Piako | 1970-75 | 5% of Māori children can speak te reo. (1970-75) | Story is by tangata whenua