The Māori Language in Kawhia and Aotea 1975


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Photo of The Māori Language in Kawhia and Aotea 1975

Some people we spoke with knew and were concerned that fewer people than in the past spoke the language throughout the area, and were teaching their own children Maori in the home. This was often a difficult task for parents, so it is not surprising that the teaching of the language in local schools received much support from them. Several people said that a full-time Māori language teacher should be appointed at the local secondary school. However, since the High School in Kawhia has been closed, the older children have had an opportunity to study Maori at Otorohanga College. At the same time, of course, their opportunities to hear and speak Maori have probably become fewer because they are away from Kawhia itself a lot of the time."



Source: Read the full NZCER report here

Waikato | Ōtorohanga | 1970-75 | 5% of Māori children can speak te reo. (1970-75) | Story is by tangata whenua