The Māori Language in Waiohau 1974


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Photo of The Māori Language in Waiohau 1974

Most informants regarded knowledge of the Maori language as an important part of being Maori, and were right behind the teaching of the language not only in schools but particularly in the homes. Some people were worried that more and more children in the community used more English than Maori when speaking with parents and elders. One person said that Maori should be taught in the house, or in some Maori setting such as the local marae, but that the chief job of teachers in the schools should be to help children improve their knowledge of the English language.


Source: Click here to read the full NZCER report

Te Moana-ā-Toi | Bay of Plenty | Whakatāne | 1970-79 | Story is by tangata whenua