The Māori Language in Matahina and Te Mahoe 1974


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Photo of The Māori Language in Matahina and Te Mahoe 1974

Some people were sorry that Maori was no longer the language for everyday use in the area, but thought that only in the school could the mana of Maori be revived. The elders of the community emphasized that the language was important for Maoritanga, and they tried to teach it to their mokopuna. This was not easy, because English was the main language spoken in the community and in many households. For some parents, it was 'a Pakeha world' and they saw no real need to learn the Maori language.  

Source: Read the full NZCER report here

Te Moana-ā-Toi | Bay of Plenty | Whakatāne | 1970-79 | Story is by tangata whenua