The Māori Language at Waipa Mill and in Horohoro


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Photo of The Māori Language at Waipa Mill and in Horohoro

The information in the tables tells us that in both Waipa Mill and Horohoro nearly all of the people we came across who could speak and understand Māori well were over the age of 25. Only one person under that age could speak Maori fluently, and only four could understand it with ease (all these people were in Waipa Mill). In Waipa Mill about two fifths of the 15 to 24 year olds had at least some knowledge of Maori. However, amongst the under 25 age group in both Waipa Mill and Horohoro over three quarters had absolutely no understanding of spoken Maori.


Source: Read the full NZCER report here:

Waikato | Rotorua | 1970-79 | 5% of Māori children can speak te reo. (1970-75) | Story is by tangata whenua