Pippa's profile picture

Pippa Cubey

Te Whanganui-a-Tara • Wellington

Pippa's completed challenges:

Share your why
Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori 2020
#Kaitahi - Matariki 2021
Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori 2021
Matariki 2023

Groups Pippa is connected with:

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He Pākehā ahau. I ahau e rangatahi ana, ka pīrangi au ki te ako te reo Māori. Heoi, i tērā wā, kāore tōku kura i whakaako i te reo. Ka kī mai te tumuaki "ako te reo Wīwī kē". I hipa ngā tau maha. Ka tupu ake tōku hiahia mō te reo. Ko te reo Māori te reo tuatahi o tēnei whenua, o tōku kāinga. Kātahi ka tīmata au ki te ako i Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. E rima tau e ako ana ahau kei korā. Ehara tōku reo i te matatau, engari, mā te akoranga, ka tuwheratia te tatau ki te Ao Māori. Kua tupu ake tōku mātauranga. Ki tōku whakaaro, me ako tātou kātoa i te reo Māori, nā te mea, mā te ako ka puāwai te mārama.

We had a community lunch to celebrate Matariki at our centre. We had a display of kaikōhau in many different languages, and said the kaikōhau in te reo Māori before our kai. People brought kai to share, helped with set up and dishes and got to know each other a bit more. It was a great opportunity to build whakawhanaungatanga in our community.

At our community centre we provide free tea and coffee to anyone who comes in and would like a cuppa. We labelled everything in te reo Māori and encouraged people to use the kupu. It really engaged people, and we had some good kōrero, eg "kua pau te mīraka", "he kapu tī māu" etc. The labels are a permanent feature now.

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Kei te akona te reo e māua, nō reira kei te mau māua i tēnei wero. Kua mihi māua ki te hapori o Pukehuia i te Pukamata o Te Pokapū Hapori o Pukehuia (Newlands Community Centre).

Nau mai ngā hua, nau mai ngā pai, nau mai kia nui, kia hāwere ai. Newlands Community Centre joined with our friends from DCM (Downtown Community Ministry) to celebrate Matariki with a community lunch. He reka te kai, he nui te kōrero, he mahana te whakawhanaungatanga!

Mā tātou katoa te mana e whakaora ai te reo - we all have a responsibility to preserve te reo Māori. It is the first language of our county and must be kept alive and well. And learning te reo Māori opens a window to te Ao Māori. Ko te reo te taikura ki te ao mārama - language is the key to understanding.