1984 The first National Kohanga Reo conference was hosted at Turangawaewae Marae Ngaruawahia and Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu read out her honorary open speech. Her speech was hand written by her daugher Princess Piki Kotuku Mahuta announcing that the Kohanga Reo is now a recognized National Trust settled under the Charitable Trust Act 1957.
Te Arikinui was so overjoyed and over a thousand people shouted in celebration with hands high waving 'yeeeaah!!'
It was a beautiful sunny weather to celebrate a milestone for all Kohanga Reo Trusts, Teachers and Volunteers nationwide and further abroad. Teachers were able to be more qualified and experienced in their field of work, uplifting the level of fluency of Reo Rangatira in education, professional work, and in the homes.
Not long after the Maaori Womens Welfare League had full recognition and so too Tu Tangata Trust was formed to ensure smaller communities and low income families were more financially supported and well advocated for services and local providers.
Happy 40th Birthday Te Kohanga Reo, arohatia te Reo me nga tamariki mokopuna o nga uri whakatipu, ka nui te mihi!