Public sector

Here are some questions to help get started:


  • Can you find your organisation’s earliest te reo Māori record? Or mention? What is it about? What are other early te reo records you can find? 
  • What is your organisation’s reo journey? Can you tell us about the times when the journey was tough? As well as the times when it was great? How did you learn from these experiences? 
  • What are your organisation’s stand out moments? 

Te reo Māori names 

  • Does your organisation have a te reo Māori name? If so, tell us about how it came about: what motivated your team? When did it come into force? What was the response from others? 
  • Does your organisation have other te reo names e.g. departments, teams, meeting rooms and buildings? If so, tell us about how it came about: what motivated your team? When did it come into force? What was the response from others? 

Use of te reo

  • Do you promote te reo in other ways? Bilingual office signage? Website and/or social media? Annual Report or other flagship documents? 
  • Do people speak te reo at your offices? How has this come about? What are the challenges and benefits? 
  • Does your organisation have its own waiata? Who composed it? What is its story, and what does it mean for your organisation? 

Celebrations of te reo Māori 

  • How has your organisation celebrated Te Wiki o te Reo Māori? What do you do? When did you start? 
  • Did your organisation participate in Te Wā Tuku Reo / Māori Language Moment in 2020 and 2021? If so, what did your organisation do to commemorate it? 
  • Has your organisation ever celebrated Matariki? What are some stories of how you celebrated in the past? 
  • What was the first Matariki celebration for your organisation? 

Te reo initiatives 

  • Does your organisation have a language plan? How, when, and why did you create a language plan? 
  • What has the impact of your language plan been? 
  • Does your organisation run te reo classes? If so, when did these begin and how has it impacted te reo in your organisation? 
  • Do you provide te reo Māori resources or create te reo Māori publications? What has been important about this? 

Hopes and dreams for te reo 

  • What do you want the kaimahi working in your organisation to know in 10, 20, or 50 years-time about your te reo journey? 
  • What do you hope your organisation achieves for te reo in the future?


For more help and guidance, download the Public Sector Toolkete or see tips to record an interview.