Tamariki successful putting the Ō in Ōmokoroa

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Photo of Tamariki successful putting the Ō in Ōmokoroa

A class of Ōmokoroa school children have triumphed in their mahi to recognise the mana of a macron.

Room 10 at Ōmokoroa Point School presented to the Western Bay of Plenty District Council last month asking for council signage to be updated to include the macron above the first O in Ōmokoroa because it is the correct spelling.

The class project titled 'Operation Tohutō (macron)' started in term two when the class members were writing thank you letters and realised they had been spelling Ōmokoroa incorrectly.

When presenting their case to council the pupils stressed the importance of the macron by explaining words can mean different things without one and that a macron tells people how to pronounce words correctly.

At a meeting last week, councillors voted unanimously to add the macron to all of the town's signage.

Student Johan Heyns, 11, said it felt "pretty good" that Operation Tohutō had been successful. "Now people can spell it right and they can learn from their mistakes."


Source: Te Ao Māori News

Te Moana-ā-Toi | Bay of Plenty | Western Bay of Plenty | 2020-29 | Education