It's official - Rotorua is New Zealand's first bilingual city

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Photo of It's official - Rotorua is New Zealand's first bilingual city

The initiative is lead by Te Arawa iwi with the support of the Rotorua Lakes Council, who hosted a celebratory event in the Council Chambers.

A #kōrero pin was released at the official launch event on 11 August, and a plaque was unveiled to mark the occasion.

The #kōrero pin draws on the success of similar badges used overseas where languages are being revitalised, such as Ireland and Wales. It signals the wearer’s interest in speaking te reo Māori, irrespective of their fluency level and demonstrates their support for te reo Māori and language revitalisation.

The design is based on Te Pitau-a-Manaia (the fern frond of Manaia), an effective and complex kōwhaiwhai design. It depicts a waha kōrero, an active voice and symbolises the growth, energy and vibrancy of te reo. Its dynamic red or scarlet colour, known as ‘kura’ in Māori, signifies something unique or extremely special.


Source: Te Puni Kōkiri


Te Moana-ā-Toi | Bay of Plenty | Rotorua | 2010-19 | Rotorua declared bilingual city (2010-19) | Story is by tangata whenua