"Mainstream schools will teach you your ABC’s, sure, but kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa Māori will teach you who you are"

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Still, when it was time to go to school, she entered total immersion education at Te Kura o Kokohuia. Being raised with te reo, while growing up in a kōhanga and kura environment, meant that her Māori worldview allowed to flourish, she says.

“Mainstream schools will teach you your ABC’s, sure, but kōhanga reo and kura kaupapa Māori will teach you who you are, giving students a strong sense of identity, which arms you with a sense of confidence and purpose in this world. At least that’s what I think it did for me,” she says.


Source: The Spinoff

Manawatū-Whanganui | Whanganui | 1990-99 | Story is by tangata whenua