Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
At Te Kura o Otangarei we celebrate our Reo everyday through kōrero, waiata, karakia, mihi, tīkanga and we are encouraging our tamariki to be proud of their culture and heritage. Many whānau have become urbanised through colonisation over time and some who are Māori don't yet have knowledge of their pepeha, whakapapa and reo. This creates whakama for many of our whānau. We do our best to work with our local people and mana tangata to share the history/ pepeha of our area and create a safe place/hub where Whānau feel they belong/can connect and can come and learn alongside their tamariki. I feel proud of our Kura and the journey that we are on in celebrating who we are each and every day. I look forward to celebrating together alongside our Community next week in unity.