"We’ve been a part of what we call the quiet revolution. And all because we were determined to have a reo Māori speaking family."

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"I wawata nei au, kia tipu Māori mai ngā tamariki. Tūturu. I whai kaha anō mātou i roto i te kaupapa, ki te whakaatu atu, taea ana. Ahakoa te tapepe o tō mātou reo i tāua wā, i whai tonu i runga I te tūmanako me te whakapono, ā tōna wā ka matatau ake ēnei tamariki i a mātou. Koirā."


Watch the full piece on kura kaupapa Māori pioneers Rawiri & Renee Wright.


Watch: Waka Huia


Te Moana-ā-Toi | Bay of Plenty | Rotorua | 1980-89 | 1st kura kaupapa opens (1980-89) | Story is by tangata whenua