Allan | Matariki 2023

Photo of Allan | Matariki 2023

Ngā mihi atu kia Koutou

We will be celebrating Matariki the Māori New Year in Te Matau a Māui by sharing a coffee with whanau in Cafe’s in Hastings and Napier.

Hapi and Mōrena Cafe’s in Napier and New World, DAX and The Potting Shed cafe Pakowhai Gardens in Hastings.

Matariki Hunga Nui

Honouring those we have lost since the last rising of Matariki

Matariki Ahunga Nui

Celebrating the present gathering together to give thanks for what we have

Matariki Manaako Nui

Looking to the future sharing our culture and language with others and hoping for a better new year where people will consider their safety and the safety of others while driving on roads throughout Aotearoa NZ.