Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
In 1985 after being privileged to be part of te ao Maori in 1973, I became a citizen of Aotearoa and took my Official Oath in te reo Maori. Partly to honour the beautiful kaumatua who had mentored me and because I was and still am passionate to be part of the revival and saving of te reo rangatira. Language is who you are; it is a living link between you and your tupuna and if you can encourage your tamariki it will be your link to their future too. Kia Kaha te reo! This year I will be with the kaumatua kuia o Waipareira and we will be doing a whole range of things for 2023 Maori Moment. Karakia, Korero, Waiata, Whakatauki. And, of course we will share kai. :-)