Nau mai ngā hua
Nau mai ngā pai
Nau mai kia nui
Kia hāwere ai
Welcome all things that have grown
Welcome all things that are good
May they be plentiful and abundant
Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
Share a meal with loved ones, friends or colleagues and learn and recite a kaikōhau to bring in the Māori new year.
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Nau mai ngā hua
Nau mai ngā pai
Nau mai kia nui
Kia hāwere ai
Welcome all things that have grown
Welcome all things that are good
May they be plentiful and abundant
Do something for te reo no matter how big or small: learn a kaikōhau or mihi, play waiata Māori or test your knowledge with Kahoot!
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