Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
Take part in Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024
Jason is in!
Ki te whakaharatau i te Reo Māori ia rā.
YEA is in!
We are going to learn and share our pepeha.
Aotearoa | Nationwide | 10 peopleDunedin Rudolf Steiner School is in!
Our school sang waiata to the kindergarten tamariki on the 16 Hepetema. Throughout the week they will be doing extra activities immersed in the beautiful reo of Aotearoa.
Ōtepoti | Dunedin | 90 peoplezephaniah is in!
use te reo phrases more in daily convos
Aotearoa | NationwideMarie is in!
Plan my class programme this week around the theme Ake ake ake – A Forever Language.
10 peopleNikki is in!
I work in Early childhood and plan to build on what I have already taught them
Alicia is in!
Use te Reo at home and greetings while out and about
Te Whanganui-a-Tara | WellingtonVivienne is in!
Use kupu Māori as often as possible in the classroom.
Jacqui is in!
Practice every day with my tamariki
Wendy is in!
Use Te reo at my ece centre
Claudia is in!
Learn new words and words I havn’t used in a long time.
Repeta is in!
Restart my reo journey and incorporate it more in my everyday use slowly at home and work
Amber is in!
Try and use Te Reo as much as possible and invite others to join me!
Tracy is in!
Try to learn a new word everyday, and then I'm going to try and talk more to family in te reo.
Brytes is in!
Te Tai Tokerau | Northland
Marama is in!
Kōrero Māori!
Sandra is in!
Keep on with my te reo journey
Matthew is in!
Put the reo I know to use in everyday conversations
Miguel is in!
Speak a bit of reo in the office, learn a bit more myself
Shahin is in!
Lynn is in!
Continue my study of Te Reo
Berni is in!
Speak reo Māori daily
Ōtautahi | ChristchurchKararaina is in!
Tuhituhi ngā waiata Māori, ā me mahia ngā kupu hou no ngā Kura Reo!
RACS Aotearoa New Zealand Office is in!
Learn about the importance of te reo Maori as a taonga guaranteed under Te Tiriti O Waitangi. Our staff will visit the He Tohu exhibition at the National Library in Wellington this week and there is a pop quiz about the Maori Language Act and shared kai.
Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington | 10 peopleDavina is in!
Teenaa koutou katoa, I use Te Reo Maori at mahi. I will continue to use te reo maori everyday to encourage my colleagues to korero maori
Wiremu is in!
I recently signed up for a Reo course designed for Māori, I plan to use Reo māori much more regularly
Jess is in!
Running a book study this week at work on the Princples of Te Tiriti by Roimata Smail
6 peopleKelly is in!
Using Te Reo each morning and afternoon when I enter and leave the work office. I will be printing Te Reo phrases and blu-tacking them all over the office and will give out a chocolate fish each day to the person who uses the most Reo.
15 peopleVicki is in!
Integrate it into my everyday conversations and interactions :-) Kia kaha te reo Maaori!
Te Whanganui-a-Tara | WellingtonSuzanne is in!
Use common words in everyday life and continue to build vocabulary.
Carol is in!
Use more basic te reo greetings.
Hinetewhiurangi is in!
Kōrero Māori ki taku wāhi mahi, tuku ngā īmera roto i te reo Māori hoki.
Te Matau-a-Māui | Hawke’s BayRuapehu Isite is in!
We will continue to keep our Reo alive in the workplace. Greeting every customer and each other in te reo Maori. Like all our isites throughout te motu we deal with lots of people from all over the world. As a visitor consultant there is a sense of pride when our Reo is acknowledged in the place names and visitors ask what the correct pronunciation is.
6 peopleShona is in!
Greet my sales team meeting in Te Wiki o te Reo Maori to celebrate ake ake ake... and use the language every day in order to normalise the use as the model rather than the exception.
13 peoplerozina is in!
Lisa is in!
Learn conversation
Tāmaki Makaurau | AucklandStephanee is in!
kōrero, waiata, whakanuia te reo Māori ki taku mahi, wānanga, share mātauranga Māori with all those around me!! Kia kaha te reo Māori e te whānau!
Mike is in!
Kōrero reo Māori
Te Paea is in!
Korero, waiata, rangahaua tonu me te wānangahia i te Reo Māori me õna tikanga whakapakari ai. Post up so our whānau here and over seas can join in. All learn together. KOTAHITANGA Ahakoa te matatau he akoranga tonu kei te haere.
Aotearoa | NationwideLynnette is in!
Push te reo in my conversations
Emma is in!
Try learn a new sentence every day
Rena is in!
Use the Te Reo I know and learn more
WaikatoNewlands Intermediate School is in!
Kōrero, waiata
Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington | 500 peopleCarolyn is in!
work with elderly people and
Kā Pākihi Whakatekateka o Waitaha | CanterburySimon Anderson is in!
I am a product owner from Pōneke
Angela is in!
Use more te reo when I'm out and about, even saying kia ora instead of hi
Tara is in!
Natalie is in!
Use more te reo in my everyday life - Do my best to teach my granddaughter some more te reo - she is 3 and can count to 10!
Kimiora is in!
Whakanuia te reo Maaori ki taku mahi. Waiata, Koorero, Kai
TaranakiKimberley is in!
I am an ECE teacher in training doing a placement in a centre where te reo is a huge part of the centre culture. I will be doing my best to learn and use te reo that I do not know and behind te wiki o te reo Maori I will be incorporating this more in my practice (beyond that basics I already use)
Te Whanganui-a-Tara | WellingtonTracy is in!
using more in my day-to-day conversations, and take part of activities at Mahi
Shayna is in!
Looking forward to korero with my whanau and whanaunga <3
4 peopleBrandii is in!
Share with my community group, use Te reo in email greetings and sign offs, acknowledge Te Reo Maori Language week at the start of presentations.
Birthright Hawke's Bay is in!
We will use reo Māori in our communications; we say karakia and waiata at the start of every day.
12 peopleMereana is in!
Looking forward to korero with my whanau and whanaunga <3
Yumiko is in!
I will be joining in our mahi celebration sessions and I am going to learn a karakia off by heart - my whānau will also join in
3 peopleAsh is in!
Use te reo greetings and sign offs, learn a new te reo word each day
Sarah is in!
Speak learn try
Tāmaki Makaurau | AucklandNess is in!
We've recently signed up for a te reo Māori course and this week we'll be making sure I use te reo at work and home every day.
Te Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington | 2 peopledanielle is in!
Encourage the speaking of Te Reo Māori in my classes!
Daniel is in!
I plan to use as much te Reo Māori as I can in the home, workplace and out and about in the community.
6 peopleOfa is in!
I will take part in the activities at work and try learn a new word everyday then teach it to my whanau
Anne is in!
Stick te reo post its around the kitchen
bec is in!
Speak and learn new phrases to say daily, growing what I've been learning the past few years
Holly is in!
Speak reo maori and play waiata
Angela is in!
Join with all the kura I support/work in, participating in various activities while using Te Reo as much as possible. Kia pai tō rā :)
TaranakiDebbie is in!
Use as much Te Reo as I know during all parts of my day and in all situations. The more I speak it the more I will learn.
Te Tauihu-o-te-waka | MarlboroughJonty is in!
I'm a South African newly moved to NZ and I pledge to learn the basics of the beautiful language Te Reo.
Fiona is in!
Speak and write in te reo Māori, when appropriate to uphold the mana of the language.
Ōtautahi | ChristchurchLydia is in!
share my te reo in fun ways with tamariki
Holly is in!
Brenna is in!
Encourage e hoa mahi to celebrate te reo!
Anne is in!
Print off the Phrase cards to leave them on the dinning table for household members to see and read
Whakatū | Nelson | 3 peopleNgaio is in!
Teach Te Reo Māori to people who have just started their learning journey
8 peopleKeri-Ann is in!
I want to share some waiata Māori and Hīmene on social media because this is one way to help me retain any language. I also want to learn new whakatauki not only the kupu but the deeper meaning of these beautiful Māori proverbs.
Taute is in!
Korero I te reo māori Implement words in daily use at home and at mahi ✊🏾😁
Joel is in!
I'm encouraging our team to learn Te Reo phrases for every day use in our work :)
Antoinette is in!
Speak Te Reo, sing waiata, share on my social the Kia kaha Te Reo maori picture as my profile picture my wall paper and on my story, post in Te Reo and tell all my friends and family it's Te wiki o te reo and encourage them to do the same. Keep going to my Reo classes and practicing
Monique is in!
Incorporating reo into my work day life more!
Rosie is in!
te reo playlists whilst akonga are working and in my car! te reo in everyday phrases and in my classroom. Even little things like writing the date! I have also labelled my classroom and home with te reo labels
Ōtautahi | ChristchurchRenee is in!
Tukua te reo Māori kia rere te ao i te pō te pō i te ao.
Te Tai-o-Aorere | Tasman | 5 peoplejulie is in!
use te reo in greetings and general converstaion
Carole is in!
TRying to source a limited edition hoodie or T shirt ! And I am learning PLacenames in te reo
Enner Glynn School is in!
Kupu competition, how much Te Reo Māori can we as teachers hear from our tamariki every day. Plus, Waiata, whakatauki, something different every day as a focus for our kaiakao.
Whakatū | Nelson | 15 peopleMadi is in!
Te Rina is in!
using te reo māori only in our whare with the tamariki while getting ready and at breakfast time from 6-6.30am :) making it manageable for us all
5 peopleRenee is in!
I am making short videos daily using kupu Maori relating to the Tangihanga Process. I have set a goal in our work place encouraging our staff to use kiwaha in the office
Manawatū-Whanganui | 5 peopleMal is in!
use te reo phrases more in daily convos
Chris is in!
tentatively practise my very basic reo.
Simon is in!
Regional Council Land Management Advisor, Tangata whenua and Catchment Engagement
Renee is in!
my family and another family will wear them with pride and joy every day
10 peopleAlyshea is in!
Jacqueline is in!
Practise te reo at home and in the community, such as shopping. Playing music in te reo. Try to learn a new word/phrase each day.
Rochelle is in!
use Te Reo where I can
Elliot is in!
I am a team manager in wellington, who embraces culture and te reo. I want to be able to share information daily
charlotte is in!
To greet and have convesations using Te Reo Maori and pronounce everything correctly.
Lucie is in!
Greeting people in Reo and encouraging my colleagues aswell!
Gregory is in!
I love the culture and would like to communicate and understand the language
Karen is in!
Korero Māori
Mema is in!
Encouraging staff and speaking a bit more Te Reo Maori where I can : )
Kirsty is in!
greet people in maori and ask how they are doing in maori
Sylvia is in!
Attempt to use te reo Māori as much in my every day and working week.
Sharyn is in!
Try to use all my greetings in Te Reo and learn two more ways of signing off or saying goodbye. Also use my flashcards in class and for my own practice.
claire is in!
Korero Māori ki nga tamariki ō taku kura!!
Rasha is in!
Use Maori in class. Practice my school's Haka.
Kaz is in!
Encourage my work colleagues to use Te Reo Maori in our daily catch-ups.
Christiaan is in!
Acacia is in!
I currently send weekly emails in my workplace encouraging others to learn along side me. I use reo Māori in my everyday life and intend on doing this until I can speak fluently! Hopefully I can encourage others to do the same.
Te Whanganui-a-Tara | WellingtonHinehou Sylvia is in!
Displaying kupu maori on my website
Anke is in!
I’m in Australia at the moment and will greet people in te reo here
Bella is in!
Ricky is in!
Use Te Reo Maori as much as I can at work and at home
Murihiku | SouthlandKatie is in!
I"m changing my profile pic. I will try to post in te reo every day this week....
Miles is in!
Sharing positive encouragement and greetings in Te Reo at work
Mairehe is in!
Kōrero Te Reo i kā wā katoa!
luke is in!
i will practise what little reo i have
Bri is in!
Preforming at Tuuhono kapa haka festival, doing karakia everyday and teaching a reo maori course to a few tamariki in my hapori
liahna is in!
learn maori
Te Whanganui-a-Tara | WellingtonHannah is in!
Participating with my colleagues, and will join in our work activities. Will be more proactive with both speaking te Reo Māori and incorporating more reo Māori in my emails
Aneetta is in!
As a person who don't know Te Reo Maori ,I will learn Maori and teach my family the langugue.
Jelly is in!
I am a Pākeha person based in Ōhinehau, Lyttleton. I am planning on adding some placards from Action Station's campaign up in the village to affirm Tangata Tiriti's relationship with this whenua through Te Tiriti O' Waitangi. I would love to learn more reo and want to commit to moving from level one to level three in the next 12 months!
michaela is in!
i will say more greetings and things in te reo maori
Erin is in!
I‘m going to practice my kupu so when my pepi comes I can help her learn to love, respect and embrace Te Reo as part of her country, culture and life. It wasn’t the case for me as a child of the 80s and I want to be part of the respect for and renaissance of Maori as a national language. ☆SHINE BRIGHT☆
Whakatū | Nelsonsimaima is in!
Learn the language
Jolene is in!
We are celebrating our beautiful language all week and learning new kupu along the way. Ake ake ake!
zephna is in!
I will say my daily karakia in maori
Paige is in!
I will use Te Reo more publicly to remind them of NZ national language and culture and that it is important to keep it alive!
Ruth is in!
Shannyn is in!
Marie is in!
Use Maori more on the daily
petra is in!
jacqueleen is in!
Learn new words and try incorporate them in conversations
Doyoon is in!
Playing Upoko Hiku ranei
Mikila is in!
we will make a concious effort to use our reo at home in our interactions with each other. Te Reo Waiatas all week
esther is in!
Jasmyne is in!
Michelle is in!
Encourage my sons to learn te reo
Lorenzo is in!
I will share Teo Reo Māori information on my Instagram and use Te Reo Māori during the week.
Rene is in!
I am joining this movement with my colleagues to improve my limited Te Reo Māori.
WaikatoThom is in!
I’ll use more Te reo with my pets, friends and family
OverseasAl is in!
Katrin is in!
Mackenzie is in!
I'm still in my learning journey, I participate in daily karakia and waiata. I want to be able to korero future students in te reo Māori.
Robyn is in!
We will continue to teach our son te reo and make more of an effort to incorporate te reo into our every day conversation. This is a good reminder to continue to grow my vocabulary.
Gillian is in!
I'll incorporate more Te Reo into my emails and messaging and pop some resources up in the office to share with collegues.
hirini is in!
Chris is in!
I want to join a Waiata session and sign up for Te Reo classes :)
Leila is in!
Support my son to know his whakapapa and learn the language
Haidee is in!
Andrea is in!
As an american living in NZ for many years, I'm work on my te reo with my whānau. I learn a lot through my tamariki who are growing up here and learning words, songs and history.
Elise is in!
Korero to my tama only in reo māori, only listen or watch reo māori media.
3 peopleJonele is in!
I want to say a phrase or use words throughout my day in te reo.
Rachel is in!
Use more te reo publicly. Support my son learn the beautiful language too.
Maylene is in!
Aki is in!
Jess is in!
I want to learn the Maori language I am a high school teacher who has a lot of rangatahi at kura so I want to make sure I know as many Maori words and phrases as possible.
sarah is in!
Loretta is in!
Abbey is in!
Craig is in!
Use my limited te reo vocabulary more publicly. Supermarket, doctors, etc.
Yaser is in!
I will share a weekly quote with my team in Te Reo Māori.
Bridgit is in!
Use phrases at work
Aliana is in!
Connect with celebrations in my community and greet all of my clients in te reo
Tracey is in!
Teaching my daycare tamariki how to speak the reo
Lisa is in!
Ako - teach & share with my akomanga Waiata & haka - Learn and share pūrākau behind these A phrase a day Use the maramataka to guide aspects of our mahi & learning Whakanuia! Kia kaha te reo Māori!
Dagmar is in!
I am on my te reo journey on want to continue to weave in everyday phrases into my home and work place
Irene is in!
Kōrero māori ki taku tamariki
Jen is in!
Kōrero Māori to my tamariki Kōrero Māori in the work place Share resources in the workplace
Tāmaki Makaurau | AucklandBronwyn is in!
Huhana is in!
Encouraging tauira to challenge themselves to reach the next level on their poutama in their learning of te reo rangatira
Kieran is in!
I am learning te reo Maori and want to use this week to weave more into my everyday language at work and at home
Tracey is in!
I've been a bit more proactive with using te reo in the workplace and at home this year and am continuing with the effort.
WaikatoJade is in!
Using Te Reo in daily life, at work & at home. Learning new words/phrases and educating myself further.
Vanessa is in!
Use te reo as much as I can
TaranakiLee is in!
I will use te reo more in my day by using or learning the kupu Māori for everyday things. I will begin memorising my pepeha.
Keren Amy is in!
Share how the values of te Tiriti and te ao Māori are to protect EVERYONE from corporate greed ✌🏽
Rose is in!
Kei te wero ahau ki ahau - Kōrero Te Reo Māori ki toku whānau i tenei wiki
WaikatoWingara is in!
Waikato | 2 peopleian is in!
learn more about the terms and language and culture
Mirren is in!
Holly is in!
Spread the reo around the workplace, go back to doing my daily reo words of the day!
Toni is in!
Try to speak as much reo as I can and encourage others to do the same
Marina is in!
Use a little te reo every day in my workplace. Kia kaha te reo Māori :)
Jess is in!
Learning more Te Reo to teach my family
Donald is in!
My partner and I will choose a word or phrase of the week and learn it together.
2 peopleSharlene is in!
speak as much te reo as i can!
Grace is in!
My class and I will celebrate Maori Language and History together by learning new phrases reading stories and making art
23 peopleCoral is in!
Encourage my class to speak as much Te Reo Maori as they can!
Vicki is in!
Use te Reo Māori at every opportunity. Teach my husband a phrase a day.
Steve is in!
Share my limited te reo with others.
Jacque is in!
Ko te tumanako kia kitea, kia rangona Te Reo Māori ia ra
Eli is in!
Using and learning more te reo
Nadine is in!
I am currently in search of Maori Classes Time to learn my Language
Cat is in!
Introduce new Maori words or phrases each day into my day to day interactions at work
Cathy is in!
Ka kōrero ahau i Te Reo Māori ia rā ia rā!
6 peopleEdgewater College is in!
We have a school wide haka and waiata challenge on Wednesday afternoon
700 peopleKelly is in!
Ka kōrero au i te reo Māori ki te tari!
Huia is in!
Use of phrases, participate in waiata and poi in our rohe , listen and speak te reo :D Karakia
Samantha is in!
Continue teaching my toddler the everyday reo that I currently know myself. Sharing phrases on my socials and I have some craft supplies to make poi and other craft through the week with my son.
2 peopleWahnita is in!
share with my whanau
4 peopleSign up to show your support
Sign up to support te reo Māori and go into the draw to win one of our limited edition ‘Ake Ake Ake’ hoodies!