Kōhanga Reo

Here are some pātai to get you started:

  • How has kōhanga reo been a part of your story? 
  • Did you attend kōhanga reo? What do you remember from kōhanga reo? Who do you remember? 
  • What do you want to say to your kōhanga teachers? 
  • What do you want to say to the kōhanga teachers of today? 
  • How did kōhanga reo impact your life? 
  • How/when did your kōhanga reo open? 
  • Why did you send your tamariki to kōhanga reo? 
  • Why did your whānau send you to kōhanga reo? 

For more help and guidance, download the Kōhanga Reo Toolkete or see tips to record an interview.