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Come Collateral that we have created for our Organisation to celebrate Te Wiki o te reo Māori

Language and culture go hand in hand. I want to learn Te Reo to learn more about Māori culture, to help keep the language and culture alive, and to acknowledge the wrongs of colonialism.

I grew up in a bilingual environment, speaking English and Irish/Gaelic. I understand how a language connects you to your home, your people and your culture. This is why I support te reo Māori

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My why is to support the use of Te Reo maori me ona Tikanga in our day to day work lives

I have a strong connection to Māori culture. A big part of this was my schooling through the 80s and 90s in Taranaki. Regular waiata at school assemblies, te reo classes, school haka training and Maori art. I loved and respected it and didn’t realize how lucky I was at the time to have the experience and support from the Waitara community. Doing our OE separated me from connecting with it and now we are back in Aotearoa and bringing up young kids, we celebrate Māori by doing karakia Kai every night, te reo card games in the rainy weekends, matariki and waiata on the radio. My why is to create the connection of Maori culture for our kids. It’s in their identity.

Ko Hikurangi te maunga Ko Waiapu te awa Ko Ngati Porou te iwi Ko Hinemaurea ki Wharekahika te Marae Ko Te Whanau a Tuwhakairiora te Hapu Tena tatau katoa Ko Te Rangiuaia Te Ua Houkamau toku ingoia, he uri au no nga hau e wha o te rohe o Te Tairawhiti, noreira tena koutou katoa