Ali | Share your why

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My son was born here in Australia in his last year of school we sent him to Opanake Taranaki to have an experience and connect. I dropped him off and was very sad and worried for him ill miss him and the nz rural roads worry me , driving age, I was in awe of that maunga the snow capped peak the aura and mana it held was astonishing...the days went by before it was time to leave I felt this urge to talk to humble myself infront of the mountain and ask him to please take care of my son and if he did, I would dedicate the rest of myself to serving my people...tears roll down my face as I write this because this atua spoke to me and said yes....and im a man of my word. I am 1 year into this journey this relearning ....I will always see Taranaki and pay my repects and this mahi now