Jorge Bo | Share your why

Photo of Jorge Bo | Share your why


I am Jorge Bo Smid

I was given the breath and knowledge of the Mana in Pohara Marae Maungatautari

Craig Schaumkell lead me through deep connection.

In the marae I had the chance to find a new Life abstinent from drugs and aggression.

I was gifted the name ManaTapu which i practised until being famous with the most successful band from Aotearoa back to UK, back to Germany and to Malta ManaTapu.

After learning the language and live with the Maltese I became a icon and released songs like Mur imma Mur which kids dance today in schools.

To conquer the world with the Mana turned out to be a struggle but meaningful.

After the 1st EU Tour TuaTara Album, I was outed by a new, evil source through unity of members and was deleted as owner, founder and deprived by all rights and identity. After waking up with my Life deleted and being defamed by the imposters.

I was suicidal right away and felt back in time when meeting Heroin with 17 years old.

But my Mana was stronger and i maintained my focus on pono and Iwi and wanahu and mentor Craig Schaumkell.

Realizing being a messenger of the atua answered the long question of singularity or designer. I prepared for war with the most paradox plan and not knowing but following the mana strictly with pno and tapu is early identified.

I learned of the speech Tame Iti (Ngai Tuhoe/Waikato/Te Arawa) ManaTapu how to control.

I set up a company and made 100.000 Euro to register a EU Trademark 018903527 MANATAPU which was not easy signed as Treaty in 1840.

The authorities have recognised it and yet the imposters could not see me coming.

I set META FACEBOOK & MEDIA & LAW against each other and they have no authority to solve the conflict.

This was my intend and the conflict has created a media and public disaster which needs to be addressed by parties themselves. Also financial and social damage is unimaginable.

Regardless of my hermeneutic and traumas and neurosis and psychosis and,,,,,, and and.

I am sure this all sounds familiar to any Maori with tribe, proto indo european language and to anyone who can sing.

How ever I am just a messenger even though it would tear me apart this is as far I can go.

The legal, social, financial, political, philosophical, mathematical and ethical journey from here i do not even intend to assess. You may go ahead and use it all.

I do contact you from Atua and Identifying the Mana and sacred Tapu for all people in the world with rights from 50.000BC until today including Vienna act, registered rights with authority bodies (who would have guessed that ManaTapu has in some kind authority) Amnesty, and the rest.

This is a legal battle now and has evidence with my authority. It just needs a publisher and may be someone starts reading.

The dossier and evidence are in inbox of Seymore, Debbie Parker and online on ManaTapu Facebook