Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
This year I am away from Aotearoa for Matariki, I am helping out at a summer camp in the United States. I have missed hearing te reo everyday but what has brought me peace and happiness has been being able to teach the campers te reo Māori, share stories of tikanga and my passion for Matariki and the special activities which happen during this time, the meanings of the stars and the special connection we have to them. I've loved being able to hear campers use te reo and be interested in learning more. I love sharing this language and culture with people from all over the world!