Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Ngā Karere me Ngā Rauemi
News and Resources
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
The Movement
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Te Pae Kōrero
Our Community
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways
Ngā Ara Ako
Learning Pathways

Me and our whanau have been blessed to have had our pāpā back in aotearoa. Spent many years in Australia but unfortunately got sick and is unwell. He just made it to Aotearoa 🙏 Me and my tamariki and siblings have spent the majority of the time caring for there Koro and there nanny who is my pāpās full time care. And making the most of whanau time. Reminiscing when our pāpā would teach us te reo and maori kaupapa growing up and also the activities we did as kids for Marariki. Te Wiki o te reo maori not nonly represents our language. But also our culture, history and coming together as one "WHANAU". Weather it Be through Kai or korero. Mauri Ora.