Adrienne | Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022

My husband and I took our grand-daughter aged 21 months to the event at Parliament and took part in singing Ngā Iwi e. This pēpi is of Pākehā (English/Scottish) and NZ Chinese whakapapa. Her mother, her 3 aunties and her grandmother, all of us Pākehā, are relatively fluent speakers of te Reo Māori. She will grow up to be a true child of Aotearoa, he whāngai mokopuna o tēnei whenua, hearing and using te Reo Māori in her ordinary life - thanks to the courage and determination and vision of those who brought the Petition to Parliament 50 years ago and all the devoted and strong ones who keep nurturing te Reo today. Ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa, e ng1a ihu oneone!