Allie | Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022

This year to commemorate our Te Wiki o te Reo Māori language moment ākonga of Te Kura Tuatahi O Pakiaka in Te Pou (year 5-8) came together to perform our school's haka at 12:00pm today. This happened to also be the day we raised money for Wig Wednesday, supporting the Child Cancer Foundation, wearing mufti and wigs. In Te Pout this year our core focus has been building whanaungatanga. We felt especially connected doing our school haka together.

Amongst this Te Maunga (year 7&8) has been completing a completely different timetable to normal with harakeke weaving, karakia, coding in te reo Māori, Numeracy games using te reo number knowledge, researching and developing passion projects of Māori change makerskēmu, waiata with NZSL, and kapa haka among other activities.