Catherine | Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022

Tēnā koutou katoa

Personally I learnt a kupu and phrase everyday including a Waiata as I am on my te reo journey. And I rewrote my full pepeha and continue to learn from my husband - Maniapoto - who knows te Reo.

On social media I shared every post I could in regard to our celebrating our reo. I shared the celebration at Parliament as I work in government.

In our mahi I was part of celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo but taking part in Karakia every morning, Waiata, we played Games in Te Reo, we recognised 50 years with launching our Te Reo Māori policy at MSD.

Finally I’ve been wearing my cap with your logo, I love it and have always wanted a Hoodie. Ngā mihi nui