My Matariki moment(s) is at this time learning the song about our Māori months of the year in regards to our Māori calendar. ‘Ngā Marama o te Tau Māori’ Composed and performed by the man himself Dr Rangi Matamua. My learning via YouTube has helped me help the tamariki at my Kohungahunga. In fact they know this better than myself. LOL 😂 However that’s ok, cause we are all learning together. Kia whakakotahi ai tātou. Koina tāku. Ngā Mihi rawa. Te Awhina Paenga Kia Whakanuia te wā ⭐️Matariki⭐️

Nau mai ngā hua Nau mai ngā pai Nai mai kia nui Kia hāwere ai Mānawatia a Matariki #kaikōhau He tino hīkaka ahau ki te Kaitahi ki te taha o aku whanau me aku hoa hoki x

My whanau will be gathering in the morning of July 2nd as Matariki rises to perform the hautapu ceremony. Remembering all our loved ones who have passed, reflecting on the year that was and planning for the year ahead.

I kai tahi i noho tahi ki te kura. He rawe te whai wā Ngā kaiako me ngā mātua Otira ngā tamariki. Oho moata rawa mātou ki te tuku karakia te āta matai i ngā tohu taiao. E tika ana te whai horopaki whakahihiko i ngā akonga me tō wheako ako. Otira te karanga mai ki Ngā mātua ki te kura mō te wā opaki kia hikaka anō rātou.

We had a beautiful Matariki evening at work where we invited all our tamariki, parents and whānau for a shared kai. Our tamariki made our star displays to which our parents and whānau saw

Ngā mihi o te tau hou Māori 💜

In a te reo class I attend in Whanaganui we did a matariki play I was Tupuanuku, My lines were Ko Tupuanuku au E hono ana au ki nga kai E tupu ana e te whenua

My Matariki Moment is to Mahia Mai Te Mahi Ka Ora Ae Te Iwi.

Celebrating Matariki with my whānau at Tõtara Park Playcentre and Akatarawa Keas.

Ko Nikora taku tino taonga o Matariki. Tāku kurupounamu, tāku kahurangi, kei tō manawa ka piri ai āu mō āke tonu atu, ko āu ko koe, ko koe ko āu.