Matariki | Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022

As part of Te wiki o te reo Māori my akomanga alongside our teachers put together some activities for everyone to take part in throughout the week every interval and lunch time to celebrate Te wiki o te reo Māori and 50 years since the signing of Te Petihana Reo Māori - the Māori language petition.

Our activities included:

Monday - Tongue Twister at interval and Mau Rākau game at lunch

Tuesday - Tongue twister at interval and Kī o rahi at lunch

Wednesday - Waiata Wenerei, anyone could come up and sing a waiata in te reo or a song written by a Māori artist or group and we also had our tongue twister challenge as well

Thursday all day we had photos being done where students had to sign up and dress up and have tāmoko on and have their photos taken and having the words " Proud To Be Māori " or having that well known saying of Tame Iti " I Will Not Speak Māori " with the not crossed out

And finally on Friday we had a Kahoot competition to finish off the week with the top three players or teams winning a block of Whittakers Miraka Kirimi chocolate and the top three people that took part in our tongue twisters also won a block of Miraka Kirimi as well.

We enjoyed our week alongside everyone else coming together to celebrate Te wiki o te reo Māori and 50 years since the signing of the Māori language petition. We would like to mihi to Hana Te Hemara, Ngā Tamatoa and those who took the petition to parliament 50 years ago. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be where we are today with our reo.