Rangimarie | Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022

Teena koutou katoa.

For te wiki o te reo Maaori we carried on as usual, I think it should be celebrated because it has been 50 years since the petition... But due to it being a week of te reo Maaori, we cary the tiikanga of implicating and affirming te reo Maaori into our everyday lives which we continue to do. Our practice of everyday te reo includes

-waiata at my ECE centre and kapa haka every Wednesday.

-Karakia every morning, waa kai me te poo.

- He kai Maaori ko te paraoa paatai.

- Ngaa pukapuka Maaori.

- Te koorero Maaori ia raa hoki ahakoa kii whea, ko wai hoki.

I am an ECE kaiako and there are a few kupu i have been using this week with the tamariki which is





-Kei whea?

Although we are mainstream with a range of diversed cultures, tamariki from the ages of 1-4 years of age develop a strong cognitive development for remembering and understanding different languages! It is best for them to learn as much from this age.

Therefore our tamariki respond to the kupu Maaori and pick them up easily.

Tooku reo tooku ohooho, tooku reo tooku mapihi maurea.