A display I have made in my ECE centre I teach at a call for all kaiako and centre whānau to share the te Reo they use

Introducing myself in te reo on a Marae

I was working at home alone due to covid. I said 2 karskia I have learned and memorised.

Thankful to live in Aotearoa & being able to learn & enjoy our heritage.

Kia ora and thanks for the opportunity for Maori moment, We got together with 5 ladies from different services to celebrate, learn and share Te Reo. Services included Restorative Justice, Safer Waitaki, Newcomers group. We sung waiata, researched some history, did karakia for beginning/closing & kai. We practised correct pronunciation of Te Reo and the importance to continue this in our mahi, daily lives and with all cultures. The wahine were appreciative, enthusiastic and motivated to continue Te Reo. It was awesome thankyou :)

Together my daughter and I read ‘Kei te pēhea koe’.

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Our classroom learnt the waiata 'E minaka ana' in the weeks before Te Wiki o te reo Māori so that we could share it with our kura for our Language moment. Now we are teaching the kupu and waiata to the other classes.

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Osu and kia ora! We shared a te reo Māori word for "stance" - Tū Ngā! or We stand!

Broadcasting Te Aroha over the Office Intercom to let the whole place know all about Te Reo :-) Ka rawe

I listened to the classic song Poi E and looked up the words so I could sing along

I went to a Pepeha workshop provided by our workplace.

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Kia Ora Koutou, This is Bluff Kindergarten from the Deep South singing their waiata loud and proud hoping you can hear it all up and down the whenua. Thank you for letting us be apart of this mana moment! ! ! Kia pai to wiki O Te Reo Maori. Nga mihi Sez Bragg (Kaiako Matua)

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I love the sound of Te Reo!

Counting in te reo with a 2 year old I work with. She has been loving being read to in Māori, especially a counting book and she now counts one to ten. An awesome moment for me!

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I was driving to the Cathedral where I work as an Anglican priest and noticed it was 12pm so I pulled over my car to sing a waiata. Interestingly I said Māori language 'movement' instead of moment. It wasn't intentional but perhaps the word 'movement' better expresses how I feel about the importance of this for us in Aotearoa. A movement of people (rather than just a moment in time) committed to improving their speaking and use of te reo Māori (especially for pākehā like me! ), pursuing a better understanding of race relations in this country and a renewed willingness to learn about and embrace te ao Māori in our everyday life. I've got so much to learn and am so grateful for all those who have taught me thus far!

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I played and sang Te Aroha at each point we visited along the Kaipara Harbour. The first song I've learnt off by heart on my beginner ukulele playing journey. Thanks for being the motivation to learn more songs on Te Reo. Proud to be part of the NZ team embracing Te Reo.

To help me be a better early childhood educator

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Was in the car between work visits but managed to zoom into our work waiata we sung whakarongo AND made a kiriata of my fave waiata pakipaki mai 😁😁🙌🏽🙌🏽🎉

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Myself and 2 work colleagues were encouraged by our workplace leadership to participate in 'Maori Language Moment'. About 11. 30amsh Monday gone my 2 colleagues were thinking of a song to sing then 'Purea Nei' came up. I was abit hesitant to sing then I searched up the song and read the translation. The words 'Mahea ake nga poraruraru, Makere ana nga here, Makere ana nga here' struck a chord with me and life in general. Sorry it's not perfection but it's more about progression and freedom. Aroha Nui! 0)

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Te Wiki o te Reo Māori with Āta-Rei/Ada-Rey! 🙏🏽 Karakia 🎶 Waiata 💃🏽 Kanikani

A went for a walk with my puppy and we listened to the Spotify Waiata: Maori Language week. We thought the music was ka pai!

From Mid-day on Monday 15 September I spent my time learning to remember, recite and pronounce the Nga Tau, Tahi to Tekau.

Sung a waiata from where mai late husband came from Te Tairawhiti

I teach health psychology to level 6 students at New Zealand College of Massage. At 12pm myself and class of 11 students all spoke a proverb we agreed on earlier: "Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, Ka ora te manuhiri".

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Here are my eldest daughter, Zarnie and I, practicing “E Papa” with our home made Rākau. We love to learn new waiata as a Whānau. As you can see, we need a bit of practice with the Rākau! Hei aha! We had heaps of fun :)

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Day2 of our week and we are using Poi E to karanga to our people to gather for our hui. I loved the enthusiasm and laughter of these two wahine. ,

I'm a school counsellor and I wondered how it would work to stop a client in the middle of an appointment. . . but my client at midday was a Māori student and she was really happy to be part of it. We had a little kōrero and she thought it was cool.

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Sandspit Road School Waiuku gathered together outside ( Level 2. 5) , we sang our karakia and Rangiawhea our local area school song. Our boys finished with the school haka.

I work at Te Puna Kōhungahunga which is a Māori childcare of Auckland University. We are always celebrating Te Reo Māori, but this week we had a special day there. The tamariki sewed their own clothes and were so proud of themselves. Later they could have their moko face paint and showed their pūkana.

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My bilingual class joined in saying our school mihimihi and sang a waiata. Road Patrol in full te reo maori

In the middle of a meeting, I paused with three colleauges, to each share a kiwaha.

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I sang the waiata Purea Nei

E waiata ana mātou. Ko Tūtira mai ngā Iwi tēnei wai. Harikoakoa katoa tātau ki te kaupapa whakanuia te reo. He taonga te reo. Nā Te Rumaki o Pukehinahina, 2020.

Our workplace are celebrating by having a Te Reo challenge that runs for the week of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. An opportunity to speak Te Reo and for some, learn new words! All whilst having a bit of fun. We also have put māori words around the unit and have a super cool window display! I could only upload one photo here is a photo our challenge :)

Sent email greetings in the Māori Language!

We made a fun korero game for my young tama. Every time he said the name of a piece of fruit he was rewarded by getting to eat it!

Tena Koutou. . Te wiki O te Reo Maaori for Te Kahui Matepukupuku o Tamaki Makaurau me Te Tai Tokerau was opened on Monday 14 September at 12pm using the following kaupapa Te Timata o Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori Kaupapa nei 12. 00 Karakia Timata : Ki a hora te marino, Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, Hei huarahi maa tātou i te rangi nei, Aroha atu aroha mai, Tātou i a tātou, HUI E TĀIKĪ E! ! ! ! 12. 05 Mihi Whakatau : Tena Koutou katoa, e Nga kaimahi o Te Kahui Matepukupuku O Tamaki Makaurau me te Tai Tokerau. Kua tae mai nei i te kaupapa mo tenei hui, te timata o te wiki o te reo Maori. , Naumai haere mai ki te korero i te Reo Maori, kia kaha, kia mai, kia manawanui Tihei Mauri Ora! ! ! ! E te whanau, I tenei wiki, ka ako tatou I nga kupu me nga Rerenga reo Maori This week we get to learn Maori Words and phrases Heoi ano, ko te tahi titiro, whakarongo. . but first let listen to this little clip 😊 12. 10 Short youtube Video on the history on Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori https://youtu. be/FXTECDGt4gk Ko te tahi tuarua… He korero i a Charlie me “ Ko Wai Au??? 12. 12 You tube Charlie Video https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=J6pSQ2LRAYs&feature=youtu. be He wa ano to ki te kii ko wai koe Now you have a turn. . . 12. 13 Ko wai au ? ( Who am I) Ko______________________ Toku ingoa/ Ahau o te Kahui O Matepukupuku ahau Ko te tahi tuatoru . . 12. 25 Karakia whakamutunga Whakataka te hau ki te uru Whakataka te hau ki te tonga Kia makinakina ki uta kia mātaratara ki tai E hii ake ana te ataakura he tio He Huka, He Hauhunga, Haumi E! Hui E! Tāikī E WAIATA: we all sung Te Aroha Te Aroha, Te Whakapono, Me te Rangi marie Tatou tatou e x2 12. 30 :Ko mutu te kaupapa, te karanga te Hakari. . me Boil up :) Wednesday 16/9/2020 Today we posted to our colleagues a follow up to Te wiki O te Reo Maaori. . "Te Kahui Matepukupuku o Aotearoa Te Roopu Maori are pleased to have our National team take part, and so keeping this in mind, Te Roopu Maori encourage all divisions to continue their Te Reo Journey after Te Wiki O te Reo Maaori by joining a National Akoranga (learning) Zuimano on the Maori interpretation of our positions/job roles and their meanings within Te Kahui Matepukupuku teams. This important Akoranga was designed and will be presented by our very own Matua Henare Kani on behalf of Te Roopu Maori. Here are the links • Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori: Kura Waiora o Tuesday 22nd at 11am https://zoom. us/j/91931490830 o Thursday 24th at 2 pm https://zoom. us/j/97838100008 Kia Kaha, Kia Maia Kia Manawanui Tihei Mauri Ora! ! " Na Rebecca Gilbert Toitu Te whenua Te Kahui Matepukupuku o Tamaki Makaurau me Te Tai Tokerau 0272084413

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At Havelock North High our staff were recorded singing our school song ‘’Pepeha” and was streamed into classrooms for the whole school to join in - I waiata matou mō Te wiki o Te Reo Māori

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karakia mo te kaupapa-blessing for the occasion.

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Our Kura stood in solidarity in groups and sung waiata! !

Waiata me te mahi toi

My work colleagues (6 of us ) joined our head office team by zoom to sing a waiata together.

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We had our whanau mai te Murihiku ki Tamaki Makaurau celebrating Te Reo Rangatira.

He taonga i te reo Māori

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Lip sync"d six60s Kia Mau Ki Tō Ūkaipō (Don't Forget Your Roots)' in te reo Māori.

What an incredible way to end our 2020 BBBSNZ (Big Brothers Big Sisters) National Staff Hui in Ōtautahi Christchurch. . . Learning more about te ao Māori and embracing Te Wiki o te Reo Māori with the incredible Anton Matthews. . . Followed up with the yummiest kai from the FUSH 'Little Waka'. This team of dedicated and passionate staff, who represent over 700 volunteer mentors, their 'Littles' and board trustees from all over the Motu, put their heart and soul into their mahi and we are so proud to be whānau! Ka pai #teambbbsnz

I sang the NZ National Anthem's first verse in Maori

Kia Ora, I am keen to learn more te reo and am encouraging others to do the same 😊

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I wanted to put it out there that I was doing something like learning Te Reo Māori that freaked me out but I knew it was important to do both on a personal level, as a kiwi and as a mother of three. I also wanted to show that we didn’t need to be perfect to give it a go, but that trying was the point & being open to continue improving. I messed it up at the end but I figured that I wouldn’t correct it because it showed the reality of my learning and that’s ok.

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We decided to come together and sing a beautiful Waiata. The children unanimously asked for the New Zealand National Anthem. What a great job they did. We love Te reo maori, it is part of our DNA! ! Tumeke! !

I sang Wairua Tapu with the actions. It is a lovely waiata and the movements are quite tricky. However I think it went quite well.

Ko Paula Watkins tōku ingoa. Ko Carys rāua ko Deryn aku tamāhine. (9 & 8 years old). We had a Teacher's Only Day at our kura in Ōtaki and my girls and I decided together that we would sing all the waiata we knew for our 'moment' at home. They are in the school's Kapa Haka group so they knew way more than me but we kept singing for almost 15 minutes as it was fun doing it together.

We have been doing Māori activities all week and talking to each othe4 in Māori.

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I learnt and went live on fb with my pepeha. I got my husband to watch me filming it live so he was part of the moment too :)

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I tuku i te waka o te reo ki te aumoana o Parirua. He whakarewatanga o te rauemi reo - Waka Reo ki te Aumoana. I reira ka whakatauira i ngā kupu me ngā kianga kua āta wānangahia e mātou ko tō te mātanga reo a Hēni Jacob. We hit the water at Onepoto, Parirua to demonstrate the words and phrases that our mātanga reo Hēni Jacob has researched and developed for our waka ama communities. A collaboration we are proud to be a part of. Hoea te reo!

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In the week of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2020, I turned 50. In celebration of my 5th decade on this beautiful earth a friend and I created this video to share my reo journey. 1. I don't sing 2. I don't really play the ukulele 3. I'm a lifelong learner of Te Reo Māori This is a testimony that you are never to old to learn something new. Enjoy Rona with Oriwa Oriwa 5. 0 😊🎵🎶

I kōrerorero māua ki Pūtaringamotu, Ōtautahi

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My husband and I are just learning the basics of te reo so that we can teach our baby girl not only about her culture but also her native language

Our whole school tuned into a zoom with one of our Matua to learn pronunciations, tikanga and to have fun. Our moment has continued and become many moments. So proud of our tamariki and kaiako who have embraced Te Reo whole heartedly

Mahi today involved a half hour Te Reo Maori 'Tui session' with the Rautaki Maori at Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa

Sat back and read some of my book!

I posted this on my Instagram account (@docgoodenough): Tēnā koutou katoa! 🖤🤍❤️ It’s Māori language week in Aotearoa. Te reo Māori, English and New Zealand Sign Language are our 3 official languages. . Kia kaha te Reo! 🖤🤍❤️ . Arohanui Much love. 🌿 . #tewikiotereomāori #tewikiotereomāori2020 #aotearoa #lingoplayingcards

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Waiata. Kiiwaha. Kia pai mai hoki.

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The beautiful aroma of parengo cooking drifts through the whare at koros. Priceless!

Room 12 performing poi and waiata

I enjoyed learning more about fungi by studying Ngā Hekaheka o Aoteoroa and Te reo greetings as well as sharing karakia for kai with my family and colleagues. I am keen to encourage the teachers I work with to connect with this scientific teaching resource created by Peter Buchanan, Georgina Stewart and Heni Jacob.

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I tū kotahi ai mātou ko ngā pouako me ngā tauira o Te Kura Matatini o Taranaki hei waiatatia i te waiata nei o Six60, arā ko "Kia mau ki tō Ūkaipō". He mīharo te kitea ngā tangata Māori mai, Pākehā mai, e tū kōtahi ana ki te tautoko i tēnei kaupapa!

Ngata Whanau at Howick Intermediate school celebrated the moment by singing waiata, cooking fry bread, making poi and completing maori art.

He kaimahi ahau I pānuitia he pukapuka 'Te whānau pāmu' " Ko Eru te ngeru e peruperu ana, E peruperu ana a Eru te ngeru" he tino rerekē te pukapuka

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For our Māori language moment we decided to do kapa haka on our school field.

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This song was sung by me and my sister to celebrate and honour the Maori new year 2020

My workplace embracing the changes i have incorperated more reo into our every day work, helping out with basic phrases and useful fridge magnet resources.

Te panui pukapuka me taku pēpi i mua i tana moe.

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We got together in our class and sang 3 waiata. Ngā mihi

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Was amazing to be apart of this opportunity to join Aotearoa at 12pm on Monday and share our love of te reo Māori in what ever shape or form that fitted. The tamariki have a love of our anthem in Te reo an English so it was perfect even tho some were still eating kai at that time.

Had a lovely learning experience with my team at work for a Pepeha/Mihimihi workshop, a time to connect with each other through te reo Māori!

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I recorded and played my video on Instagram for my moment.

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My participation as a volunteer in Waitangi celebration in Otakou marae in Dunedin 2020

As an ECE teacher using Te reo is a daily thing, and on Sept 14th this was no different. At 12 noon before eating lunch we shared a karakia kai. Some of the under 2 year olds know the words and regularly join in. For some this reo is their only spoken words :-)

Our wāhi mahi had a nation wide waiata. We followed that with a kēmu patapatai

Claiming and proudly wearing my whakapapa

Getting macrons sorted on my laptop!

Members of Digital Library Services playing a game of Tākaro at lunchtime.

I tweeted using 2 of the few Te Reo words I know. Hopefully next year more of my tweet will be in Reo.

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Our Kura sung waiata accompanied by live music.

Culture is the future and by keeping Te Reo spoken and heard, our future generation will prosper

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My pepeha <3

I'm taking a moment every day to teach my girls a new word in te reo this week. I'm pakeha however my girls are maori and I want them to be proud of and know their culture / language

My welcome to Maoridom to feel my ancestors blood in my veins

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I work at the Wairarapa Library Service in Featherston and talked to our patrons about one of our displays. Here I am saying the longest place name in New Zealand Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu

Kei te waiata maua ko taku mokopuna 'He taonga ki toku ngakau ko taku mokopuna e . . . '

I spent time over lunch reading about Witi Ihimaera and purchased one of his books.

I puta au i te kaupapa o Mahuru Māori ki te tautoko i te mahi rangahau reo rua a tētehi hoa; he rangahau e pā ana ki te hunga e ako ana i te reo rangatira nei.