Mana Tapu kanohi ki te kanohi Barbier-Paradoxon “You can define the barber as ‘one who shaves all those, and those only, who do not shave themselves. ’ The question is, does the barber shave himself?” Te Roa META vs. Equal or 70 vs. Te Roa Author Jorge Bo Smid alias Jogy Bo In suggestion & consideration of all Aotearoa & ACT Treaty Opposition I do have my urgent epistemology based on facts, evidence and rebirth in Pohara Marae Maungatautari, that prove the absolute imperialism to the following Treaty by Te Tiriti o Waitangi (known in English as the Treaty of Waitangi), or pseudo agreement made in 1840 between representatives of the British Crown. The healing in Pohara gave me new Life in 2009 and has also prevented me from suicide. The Mana Or the knowing of one's Mana and usage. Craig Schaumkell Pohara Marae gave me a mission in 2009 in the land of wharenui is Rangiātea. Here I am as a messenger, just in time and after 15 years, to hopefully be the connecting dot of reaching a mutual global understanding and establishing of an equality based leading authority/democracy government, rather than a hierarchy and its pseudo implementation of believing anything before understanding. In particular in relation to non identifiable mutual content to be understood in order to and to origin of constitutional authority. Cause for Cause , does not apply for the Treaty authority believes nor understanding, which was, is and hopefully will be a requirement for any mutual agreement on any meta level communication. As Te Roa nor Maori culture has no higher authority nor understanding as such, nor would understand and therefore not expect an unfair assessment, outcome nor unbalance in conflict resolution, The treaty is invalid based on simple contradiction to many laws such as fair use or intellectual property rights, which are constitutional rights. Today nations, facts and today's laws, have lead to agreements which have been signed, national continental and world wide such as Vienna Convention: Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 Assessment An imbalance to be considered not only in authority bodies and their conflicts, their decision making and our environment nature itself. All humans deeply connect those and respect them as due to the most powerful source of leaving damage to this planet we live on. Therefore I do not appeal to belief rather than understanding this request and input of information and historical studies in interest to all Aotearo, Maori and creatures living on this planet. Authority Rākau Māori TapuTapu (Maui) Times of Malta I, Jorge Bo Smid, in the position and as proprietor of ManaTapu Trademark 018093527 EUIPO and established, registered under authority and constitutional law in Europe, do not hesitate to transfer all rights and/or assign any authority or representative in aim, power and good faith, to not only protest the Te Tiriti o Waitangi but implementing equality and to: Termination or Withdrawal by Consent 23 A treaty may of course be terminated, or a party withdraw from it, at any time by consent of all the parties (Art. 62 (2) (b) VCLT). The International Law Commission (ILC) did not accept that the civil law principle of acte contraire (a rule can be altered only by a rule of the same legal nature) applied. The agreement of the parties does not have to be in the same form as the treaty. If the treaty creates rights for a third State in accordance with Art. 36 VCLT, or an obligation has arisen for a third State from the treaty in accordance with Art. 37 VCLT, the consent of the third State may also be needed (Treaties, Third-Party Effect). Times of Malta Tauira https://timesofmalta. com/article/earth-garden-social-media-goes- dark-malicious-copyright-claim. 1093726 Lovin Malta
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00064755817220. -2207520000&type=3 6 Years long and unfair dispute between cultural public and the media and public in Europe, official statements questioning and misleading the whole EUROPE online and disrespecting the MANA. META FACEBOOK and the public in Europe have no possible resolution in the conflict center nor to factual law, due to violating their own constitutional established self assigned environment. Facebook not able to resolve the conflict in front of the whole nation online, And whilst slandering the Mana Europe wide and disowning Jorge Bo Smid as Chief and messenger, the Mana has made its way through my reports and through Facebook's reporting tool, with no understanding due to the same fact as all Chiefs signed the Treaty in 1840. Before Aotearoea and Maori have spoken and voted or restored their and my Mana in Aotearoa, I stand by legal channels. KaraKia Conclusion The true full epitome and chief of ManaTapu Jogy-Bo Haumiatiketike, the god of uncultivated food, particularly bracken fern. Papatūānuku, the primordial earth mother. Ranginui, the primordial sky father. Rongomātāne, the god of cultivated foods, particularly sweet potato / Kumara. Tānemahuta, the god of forests and birds. will hopefully correct this equal for disrespecting the Mana. I Jorge Bo Smid alias Jogy Bo Chief of ManaTapu, comes from Mauri, a pervasive life force somewhat similar to the concept of a soul. My spiritual power is derived from mana, drawn from the atua. My Mana is and was and will be earned through skill and social recognition. The loss at the hands of others is a common cause for war. My Mana is protected by tapu, a sacred ethical practice that once governed all of Māori society. As my divine power is developed, the more tapu will be restricted to contact with normal people and objects. This could also apply to places and objects. Proof (Confidential) (Conflict Communication authorities) EUIPO, EU, IPEP, DPMA, UN & (Conflict Communication Companies & Parties) META-Facebook, Lovin Malta, Times of Malta, Earth Garden, Melodija, Farsons vs. ManaTapu be assured I, Jorge Bo Smid & ManaTapu have involved and assigned all organs on all channels, to engage and act on every possible legal jurisdiction and law if needed. We are transmitting this information in the interest of Aotearoa, New Zealand and nationwide to may prevent, amend or cancel any of the following: of example: Deprivation/expropriation Universal Declaration of Human Rights Civil and Political Rights Identity, Creative Rights, Language, Intellectual Property and all other This section is factual, to point out the conflict and is considered to be used in court or presented to any authority making decision. EUIPO VS META in YOUR & PUBLICS The Case Jorge Bo Smid alias Manatapu Vs Malta Nation Tapu Identity Wipeout We do expect a response to this email as notice that we have delivered this crucial information to you and we do not condone any other communication but in which these words are to be treated as objects and any assessment of official authorities are NOT relevant if taking any irrelevant opinions into account for decision making in this conflict. The gravity and origin to this global escalation between Meta/Facebook, EUIPO & Public is not in my personal interest at this stage, nor as Trademark proprietor even though, the damages and worldwide questioning/slandering and intentional diversion of truth in regards to all authority bodies has affected us financially, mentally and physically. To see the credibility and recognition of any official authority body being slandered intentionally by Facebook Meta itself, after enforcing registered rights and enforcing a Trademark to EUIPOs registry, should be in every citizen's interest who intends to apply for a trademark or enforces a Trademark, or holds a trademark worldwide. The recognition of the intentional slandering release by the nation of Malta and caused by META/Facebook, has silenced META/Facebook's reporting tool and its authority. ManaTapu does not get nor is expecting a response, due to simple understanding, since all reports are truthful and factual provided with evidence and the suspension and initial Trademark enforcement was based on truthful rights and relied upon their own provided reporting tool to be considered superior and to which META/Facebook itself sets as requirement. This is Jorge Bo Smid In Interest of IP and Aotearoa Email - Extract META DEAD END URL: https://www. facebook. com/photo. php?fbid=865343075634212&set=pb. 100064755817220. - 2207520000&type=3 Please be advised that this post is done with intentional harm and defamation to mislead the public. Therefore not ONLY the post has to be deleted due to defamation and agnostic acting by journalism not making research, but the responsible chief editor of the reported Page/Post has intentionally posted this on The Page with intention to mislead and have destructive effect not only to my personal as holder JORGE BO SMID but also to commerce and Trademark registered. Therefore the Page Lovin Malta needs to be suspended until further notice in order to prevent harm to the public through false information. How ever we do not condone either and neither is one of them legal The reported URL shows a post of Lovin Malta (see picture below), stating written: Malicious Attack of ex band member This post indicates my rightful Trademark Report Nr. of the Facebook Page Earth Garden Trademark Report Form #766428628986665 See note for repetitive infringement on their website. The editorial Team and chief editor of Lovin Malta Page Tim Diacono, had been sent several media release information announcements previous to Take Down of Earth Garden to share and work on the story with full truth release and moral integrity. Unfortunately, both parties ignored the approach and have released this post intentionally with false information, to divert the public and audience from the truth. Please also watch reports for unlawful conduct to news and media to that page. Both, Lovin Malta Team was informed about our intention and protecting our Trademark & Organizer of Earth Garden Howard Keith Debono had been informed and asked on amicable terms to cease and desist. FYI and additional details Customs had been informed. A report to German Police has been filed. A lawyer in Malta is assigned to file class high court action The host of https://lovin. ie/ received a cease and desist and information to immediate take down defaming post with intentions and yet, get the chance on an amicable solution until tomorrow. (See email attached) We are attaching confidential evidence. I state that everything above is the truth and nothing but the truth and all details and evidence may be used in court and relied on I state in good faith, I am the rightsholder of EUIPO and DPMA Trademark https://www. tmdn. org/tmview/#/tmview/detail/EM500000018093527 https://register. dpma. de/DPMAregister/marke/register/3020220025597/DE and that all parties have been informed and be brought to justice on all legal channels and organs. Disclaimer All provided evidence is to be kept confidential and all communication in this matter is shared with my legal representative and updated to Police report PP. 01363_2024_DE Jorge Bo Smid MANATAPU www. manatapu. ie I state that all above is the truth and nothing but the truth and I am the truthful and sole creator of Mana Tapu Jorge Bo Smid ManaTapu www. manatapu. ie jogybo@manatapu. ie
Jorge Bo