Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022 | Māori Language Week 2022

He tau whakahirahira te tau 2022. This year marked the 50th anniversary of the Māori Language Petition, an event that led to many of the kaupapa we have today, including Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.

Happy Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 50 years a huge milestone . . to our people gone but not forgotten and those now and forever, who fought for our Reo our mother tongue. . . aroha aroha. . forever and ever. . amene. . . xx

I hanga au i tēnei whakamātakitaki pāhekoheko ki tōku wāhi mahi, hei whakatenatena ōku hoa mahi ki te kōrero Māori, ā, kia whakanuia ai te reo.

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Kia ora te wiki o te reo Maori Aotearoa!

I will write a whakatauki at mahi everyday. . .

my mum and i made a rourou basket to put our hangi in. we made a hangi to celabrate Te Wiki O Te reo Maori. We blessed our kai on maori before we ate, it was tino reka

Kia Ora, Start learning word by word using the app. And try to pronounce Maori words correctly.

Tuturu o whiti whakamaua Kia Tina! Homie! Huie! Taiiki ee

We will celebrate with music!

Sign here to learn māori

Celebrated with a kapa haka performance

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I love sharing info about the amazing plants and animals of Aotearoa. This week I thought I would share some kōrero about kupu Māori that people can use while they are enjoying nature.

Always befor moe we read te reo pukapuka . . learning to read the stars . with living by the stars . Learning new waiata

My daughter participated in a hikoi to acknowledge and commemorate 50 years since the signing of the Maori language petition in Aotearoa.

I work in Port Hedland WA and today I opened and closed a workshop with a karakia. I also helped one of my Ozzie workmates correctly pronounce the word Māori as he had seen an old interview of a famous rugby player who said “m-ow-ri” but he genuinely wanted to know the difference between what I was saying and what he commonly heard. E rua e rua only one is pronounced correctly and the other makes me cringe slightly🥴

Ko te Atua te whakawhirinaki ki runga ia tātou, te pou tokomanawa . I te Rāhina 12 o Mahuru, I haere atu e au me tōku whanau ki te kohikohi, hoko atu ngā Kai mo te whare. I te wā I reira atu, I whāki atu e tōku Pāpā 'Mēna he Māori te Wairua, me Māori hoki' . Mai tēna rerenga kare ano te Reo e whati.

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Ok, was feeling Home sick two day ago, still am, have been living & working in Cambodia as an English tutor for 20 years, missing the beautiful people & the land! Proud to be a born & breed a Kiwi! Kia Ora from us to you!

I hakaako atu e au wētahi rerenga kōrero ki wētahi ākonga o tōku kura.

Te reo, because we can!

I’m celebrating te wiki o te reo Māori at school

We just watched a fabulous show about te reo Māori called “Speak No Māori. ” Illuminating history of how the government tried to destroy te reo Māori, and its resurgence. Also, my partner and I (both Pākehā) are studying te reo Māori through Onehunga College continuing education…. and living it!

I have joined a te reo class and am encouraging friends, family and coworkers to do the same. Kia pai Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori!

Use Māori phrases and words at my workplace. Share waiata and Māori resouces such as poi with the tamariki.


I write on our work board daily phrases and go over it with our team so they can korero te reo too

Share the stories with Tamariki

I love speaking te reo maori everyday and travel anywhere on my long journey I love to celebrate te reo maori me nga wiki o te reo maori

Going to learn Maori this coming Sunday at my local library

My family & I are Samoans living in New Zealand. To celebrate the Maori culture for Te Wiki o te Reo Maori 2022 we watched Kapa Haka performances & learned some new words in Te Reo Maori! Nga Mihi

I been watching shortland Street in te reo maori and celebrate our te reo maori language, which is our native maori language and listen to waiata anthems and watch kapa haka I just speak fluent te reo maori everyday

I will speak in Te reo Māori in every lesson I teach.

I am doing mahi around my university community and other orgs. to people who want to learn reo Māori and also create meaningful representation within different spaces.

As a guest speaker on a night radio show at Slovak national broadcasting (in our distant home country: Horowākia) I talked about Te Wiki o te Reo Māori and Aotearoa's current challenges. I also mentioned how my daughter Tove Tui learns about Māori culture at her ECE centre in Tāmaki Makaurau. I also introduced myself in Māori language Live on air.

Te reo Maori isn’t just celebrated in one week in our whare . . One thing we have adopted this idea and have started to zone in Our whare eg kitchen can only speak Te reo maori, reo is then forced to be spoken everyday and in good way helps learn everyday saying used in the kitchen . Once everyone is more comfortable we will expand to other areas of the whare.

Koinei te waa i noho ai ahau ki Mpartnwe i te tau 2020 Ahakoa kei hea koe, noo hea koe kia kaha taatou ki te koorero Maaori. Me tautoko taatou te hunga e ako ana te reo Maaori hoki!

Speaking the reo at home with my daughter

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Nga Mihi mai I te kainga o taku kapa hakinakina tino Pai Kia Mt Smart Staduim

Kanui te pai

Kia ora tātou, Ko Pūtauaki me Maungaroa nga Maunga Ko Te Oriini me Te Kereu nga Awa Ko Mataatua te Waka Ko Ngāti Awa me Te Whānau-A-Apanui nga Iwi Ko Ngai Taiwhakaea me Te Whanau-A-Kaiaio nga Hapu Ko Te Paroa me Maungaroa nga Marae Ko Anahera Kingi Ahau Celebrating te wiki o te reo Maori by practicing my pepeha so I can stand confidently and share. Ngā Mihi X

Toi maruata hikoi, Taiaroa , Otepoti with Marewa fron TWoA

Ruru Whānau proudly sings the waiata, 'Tauranga Moana'

I incorporate as much Te Reo into my conversations

The whānau and I got together and two of my aunties helped us learn the basics of Te Reo Māori as family.

We hosted a school group at Owairoa Marae, Howick. We shared local history and ran an introductory session on beginning te reo Maori

At noon I will recite he karakia Baha'i in te Reo.

Learning as much as I can from Māori pukapuka.

This is my representation of Hikunui sleeping in the Waiatai valley, from the Legend of the Seven Whales

Kia kaha te wiki o te reo Māori 💜

Kia ora I love all things Maori

Ko tenei wiki ko te wiki o te reo maori. Nga koromatua ake!

Enjoy singing in Te Reo in our community choir and at home.

Ko taku mahi he kaitakāwaengā māori mo Te Tai Tokerau. Nui ake wāku mahi mo te whakapikitangā o te reo māori i roto i ngā kura reo rua me ngā kūra auraki. Tetahi o waku kura ko te nuingā o ngā tamariki he pākeha erangi e mau tonu rātou i ngā mahi hei whakaora ake to tātou reo. . . ko te nuinga kei roto i te akomanga reo rua. . . ko tā rātou mahi kia muia kātoa te kura i te reo māori mo ngā ra kātoa ehara mo te wiki nahe. Ia ra ka tukuna atu tetahi whakatauki me te maramatanga me te pūtake o tera whakatauki hei akiaki hei poipoi nei te kātoa. . . heoi mēna e hiahia ana te ako i te reo rapuhia tetahi o ngā wananga reo ma runga ipurangi i roto i ngā whare wananga ma runga ano hoki i ngā marae kātoa hurinoa, ā me te haere a tinana ki te ako i te taha o tamariki i te kura. . . ko te reo te kakahu ki te ao tūroa. . . mauri tu mauri oho mauri ora! ! !

We sing in Te Reo almost every day, through our choir and because we love learning and singing in Te Reo

All my emails to my customers will begin with Kia Ora. . . my customers are all based out of New Zealand

Kua roa ra te KKM o Ruamata kawe I te reo Maori ki runga I te papa haupoi, otira nga momo huihuinga maha puta noa. He toa taua o te reo.

I’ve been sitting Mock Exams at school, super busy! ! Studying hard yet still celebrating my language and culture! !

Me and my whanau did a massive kai and did maori game with our whanau

For Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2022, I’ll be supporting our taiohi at Kapahaka Nationals in Hopuhopu…specifically Te Maurea Whiritoi…karawhiua mai!

There wasn’t much Māori language or culture taught at school when I was there, so I’m starting with the basics - changing my email signature to “nga mihi”, incorporating the few words I do know such as “korero” and “mahi”, talking to my nieces about what they learn at school nowadays, and signing up to the free Massey course to learn more :)

We will be having a kaitahi at 12pm on Wednesday

everyday I'm speaking te reo everyday and night

Each day i share a whakatauki to my whanau page. We also korero Maori at work for one hour and have a quiz competition going. Reo is spoken every day and oir staff to part in a hikoi in the Wairarapa.

I supported my local kapahaka group

today I decided to buy 10 Whittaker chocolate bars with the maori te reo on it and I hopefully that I can't get more tomorrow because I love the miraka kirimi

Mahi this week involved a few tradeshows throughout the north island and I greeted everyone with Kia Ora

E kōrerotia ana ngā āku tāmariki e au i te reo Māori. I te tuhi, ā, i te pānui, ā, i te ako hoki au ia rā, ia rā. E kōingo ana au ki te mōhio ki te reo kāmehameha. 😍 he iti taku kete kupu, engari, he pounamu.

Use and encourage others to use whatever Reo Māori we have ia Rā ia Rā

Cannot upload photo but recognised importance of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori on my page.

Kia kaha ki te kōrero Māori.

I will tweet in te reo.

Kia ora koutou, My aim is to use te reo Māori every day this week. Hoping to improve my reo and give others the courage to try :)

I will speak maori

Speaking maori with my friends

Speaking maori to my kids

Speaking maori to students

Learning maori words

Speaking maori

We have changed the name of our company Productivity People Ltd to the te Reo Maori version: Tangata Whai Hua. We have shared this on a LinkedIn post. Our Kaiwhakahaere Whakahaere / Managing Director has changed his title for the week too, and any public session is prefaced with a te Reo Maori introduction.

Speaking maori in class or to my kids

Speaking more maori

I practice speaking te reo and waiata at mahi. I make many mistakes but continue regardless. I hope that it gives others courage to whakamana them and try also.

Ko te reo maori he reo reka ki te rongo inga tangata matatau i te reo e korerorero ana

Our students have enjoyed getting moko stencils then pukana photo to go into spot prizes. Voting for non REO speaking kaiako who speak te reo. Colouring comp Maori games Lots of music/Maori anthems

Learn the Boffa Miskell Waiata

Learn a math phrase in Te reo

Learn site coded in Maori

Learn Maori road names for my projects!

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My Year 2 class learned how to count and say the numbers to 20 in te Reo Māori then made their number using classroom objects.

Get familiar with the Maori numbers!

Learn the names of some fauna in Te Reo

Learn a Maori Song

Te Kura o Orangi Kaupapa are joining in with Te Rangaihi Reo Māori with waiata performed across the school.

talk to my whanau about the importance understanding one's history and culture and share experiences

I have been learning te reo Māori and have been teaching my classmates about to and talking to the teachers in te reo Māori

I have learnt kupu of the day from resources online

I will practice using te reo

I celebrated by teaching the tamariki I work with new kupu.

I have been on my Reo journey on and off since I was young. I can understand more than I can speak. At the moment I would say I am at level 3 in te reo. I have three boys that can speak fluently and everyday I am inspired by them. My goal is to carry on my reo journey by listening, learning, speaking and just having the confidence to respond. I look forward to being able tokorero with my tamariki.